Last week, Morgan from our senior class was chosen to represent our school as Flower Bearer in the community Lanimer celebration in June. Morgan and her family are very excited about it!

We also launched our whole-school Heritage Heroes theme during our assembly and enjoyed a visit from Elena, our local Librarian from Lanark, who brought us resources to help with researching our school.

The dance group used 1950s Rock and Roll music as a focus, everyone enjoyed the fast bouncy jive music and threw some very cool moves! As we are being time travellers, during numeracy we are learning about telling the time, the different things used to measure time and we are thinking about building a timeline of our school.

This week our literacy focus is on Robert Burns, we are listening to his songs and poems and thinking about rhyming words, to celebrate his birthday, we are having a ceilidh and an assembly. In other news, this week the seniors return to college, our physiotherapist Josephine celebrated a special birthday and on Friday we say a fond farewell to our physio assistant William. We wish him well in his new role.